I Doubt It #129 – “Out of Town, Comparison Arguments, Josh Duggar Follow-up, Free Raif Badawi, Saudi Arabia Is Scary, Wacko Glenn Beck, Sir Patrick Stewart’s Bakery Thoughts, Code of Silence Broken, and Lottery Winner’s Good News!”

I Doubt It Podcast show

Summary: Jesse and Brittany continue the show even though they are out of town - we discuss comparison arguments, Megyn Kelly's interview with the Duggar family, Raif Badawi's latest unfortunate sentence, Saudi Arabia's call for executioners and attempts to head the United Nations' Human Rights Council, Glenn Beck's assertion that 10,000 pastors are willing to die for gay marriage, Patrick Stewart's interesting take on bakery's rights to refuse service, Vatican's code of silence has been broken, and lottery winner who plans to continue work as plumber. Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609. Show Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore Show Twitter- http://www.twitter.com/IDoubtItPodcast Jesse - http://www.twitter.com/dollemore Brittany - http://www.twitter.com/brittanyepage