#057: Do What Is Necessary to Create

Live Life With Purpose with Adam Smith show

Summary:  <br>  <br> If you are a creative, then you know there are some things you have to do to carry out creativity. You have a responsibility to look at the world in a different way. Of course, doing the same things that everyone else is doing will get you the same results that everyone else is achieving. You can and will accomplish more with your life when you adopt creativity for yourself.<br> The excuse for most people that don’t create outside of their minimum basic contributions to this world is a lack of time. I mean, I get it. But, to do what you truly want to with your life, your view on how you are creative will have to change. When you change your view, you will realize that the creativity you are pursuing won’t complete itself. If you are to become more creative, then you will need to give it some effort, but I can help get you there.<br> I want to help you get your best jump start on living a more creative life, so here are five tips that you need to live out more creativity with your life:<br> <br> 1. You need to schedule creative time.<br> This point hits you one of three ways – you either don’t have any more extra time, you feel that creativity should just flow whenever you have a free moment, or structure of any type feels like a constraint on your creativity. The truth is that scheduled time for creativity is what keeps you accountable to the process. It is what keeps you showing up time and time again to get the work done and if there’s anything that you need, it is more commitment to the craft you are pursuing. That’s exactly what this scheduled creative time gives.<br> 2. You need to get alone.<br> This is the worst part of the process for me. With a wife and two children, the last thing that I want to do is isolate myself. But, being alone is one of the most necessary parts of the creative process. Being alone gives necessary clarity in the midst of a noisy world and when done correctly you are more efficient in the other areas of your life.<br> Being alone is most effective when you know where you need to be to create. If you work best in a quiet environment, find a library or other quiet environment to create. If you work better in a noisy environment, find a busy coffee shop to be creative in. If you find that you can’t create in your office environment, then it’s time to get out. The right environment can help you be more creative, and the great thing is that you can probably choose where you do your work at some point in your day.<br> 3. You need to take care of things as they happen.<br> Something has to give when you pick up new things to do, but beginning anew doesn’t always have to mean that other areas of life need to suffer. When we know what our top priorities are, we don’t have to wonder what it is that needs less attention, because we have already streamlined our life in the way it should be. When we take on anything and everything, life quickly becomes chaotic. I’m sorry to break it to you, but you can’t possibly do everything in this world and still do it well. But, when you decide what you need to pour your heart into, you allow yourself to be more creative in these areas and can make a bigger impact as well.<br> Room to breathe and margin is what helps you get the work done. Now, some people like pressure in the creative process, but I have found that space allows for more time, which allows more tinkering with ideas. Great things happen when there is time to mold ideas into better ones, and that only happens when we give the process of finding solutions more of our time. Rushing creativity gives basic thoughts, but when we have time to ponder these ideas, it is here that we get to push through to find our best possible answers.<br> 4. You need to create more often.<br> When people say they haven’t done what they have wanted to in life, my first question to them is,