Lesbian Sex List, Spiteful Ex Lovers, Carrie Prejean's Boobs in the News: She Said, She Said #19

SistersTalk Radio show

Summary: She Said, She Said is a podcast featuring lesbian couple Genia and Andrea. Genia is the host of SistersTalk Radio and Andrea is the assistant producer. In this segment: *The Sex List: Which of these sex acts would you say yes, no, or maybe to? *Why we like watching gay guys do the nasty over lesbians *HRC withholds support for 'Every Child Deserves a Family Act' *Gillibrand tweets about meeting with DoD to discuss DADT *Miss CA pageant officials sue Carrie Prejean for boob job money *Exlesbian manipulates anti-gay law to keep her exwife from the child they had together Music at the end of this episode: Great Big World by God-des & She Listen to more SistersTalk Radio. Follow SistersTalk on Twitter. Add SistersTalk on Facebook.