BW 9: No Such Thing As A Celebate Monkey - Binge Watchers Episode 9 - Featuring 2 Monkeys - John Travis & Nicky T - Parody

Binge Watchers  show

Summary: John and Nick explain why their London actress is not on the show, scramble to entertain you, plan a spur of the moment commentary track for 1983's "Screamtime" horror anthology, discuss the release of the "Her" parody "Ber", update you on the "Chasing Corey Feldman" segment, mention reaching out to Kevin Sorbo's agent to book him on the show, make history by canceling a commentary recording 14 min in and moving on with the episode without discussing the film any more, talk in funny circles bemoaning the fate of their careers, get worried that they don't have the time to shoot a short film, plan a kickstarter video to raise money for "RED PLASTIC CUP", Nick mentions his love for "Ber." John mentions he sent it to Bear Magazine and had to explain copyright and parody laws to You Tube. They talk the politics of writing for yourself and being stuck on an assignment that is going no where, John brings up his personal dilemmas. and they decide to call their actor friend, Shane at min 51 and harass him, but he is ready to take over and host, but John explains that he can't hear Shane's threats over Nick's iPhone.