BW 11: Don't Scorn Me With Your Lucky Charms - Binge Watchers Episode 11 - Featuring Sadie Katz & Mark Jones - Screenwriters - Actor - Director

Binge Watchers  show

Summary: Breaking news from Hollywood: Mark Jones, creator of "Leprechaun" and Warwick Davis, star plan to make "Vamprichaun." We talk Mark's new movie, "Scorned," fuck "save the cat", we get real world advice for real life screenwriting, how character serves over plot, Anna Lynn McCord is a skinny "Kathy Bates" who's gonna win an Oscar, the discovery of Jennifer Aniston, puts to death negative rumors that she hates being in the leprechaun movie, sets the story straight, and introduces smoldering Sadie Katz the screenwriting secret weapon, Mark Jones asks Nick and John when he starts shooting their "Red Plastic Cup", and confirms his fear of little people...Plus John gives a fan named Eric more script reads from "The Party's Over."