BW 60: Better Call Snow - Binge Watchers Episode 60 - Better Call Saul Review - Walking Dead Updates - Boston Blizzard 2015 - John Travis - Comedy

Binge Watchers  show

Summary: And now, Binge Watchers: Hosts: John Travis, Nicky T Some Highlights: "Blizzard Watchers" "The Walking Dead Season 5 update." "Better Call Saul." "Writer Down." Full Disclosure: Why comedians aren't really happy parents, Boston is buried under ice here in early 2015, AMC's zombie show returns with a psuedo-existenial episode, Better Call Saul starts on the heels of an already popular show, and the Binge Watchers consider different professions, or at least walking away from filmmaking. Find us on social media: Sponsored by Drink up: Blue Feather Vodka (only good thing from Florida.) Watch our new short film here: