Life Of Caesar #39 – Caesar’s Reforms

Life Of Caesar show

Summary: As dictator, Julius Caesar initiates a sweeping range of political and social reforms that even his enemies have to concede make a lot of sense, including a colonisation program, reforming the grain dole, building a great library, and reforming the calendar. Discuss the episode on the TPN Forum. Once again we sincerely want to thank everyone who has been leaving reviews on iTunes, Facebook and Twitter. Best reviews win a prize!   CLICK ->BECOME A LIFE OF CAESAR CONSUL & LISTEN TO OUR PREMIUM PODCASTS! CLICK ->BECOME A LIFE OF CAESAR PATRON!   HOW TO LISTEN: Listen On Your Computer Flick the PLAY button up above or, to listen to old episodes, go to our podcast section, click on the episode you want to listen to, and click on the play button. You can also listen on: YouTube or SoundCloud Listen On Your Mobile Use this feed to subscribe in some random podcast player or click the logos below to add to iTunes or Stitcher.