228: PanGia Store

Pagan Centered Podcast show

Summary: Tonight we're talking about PanGaia store, how it's not like most general-purpose Pagan shops you know and why they're just so full of WIN. Regular Hosts:Amber of Red Tail Arts, Branden of Pagan Men, Dave of Pagans promoting Healthy Active Tendencies (PHAT), Joe "I'm Here" of Pagan Roadtrip Guest Hosts: Barrett of Pagan Men, Snooze Possum of Hedgehog Stole My Beer!, NRia of Pagan Men and Sarah of PanGia Metaphysical Store 01:13Who are the folks behind PanGaia Store? 03:47Spare time? 04:10Inspiration 05:45Yay, not FrontPage by Microsoft! 03:47Spare time? 04:10Inspiration 05:45Yay, not FrontPage by Microsoft! 06:18Building a website by doing the right searches. 06:18Building a website by doing the right searches. 06:36Determining products to carry 06:52Startup costs for a physical store 08:43The godfather of Nebraska Pagans 08:00Benefits of starting with a web store 08:43The godfather of Nebraska Pagans 09:04Family involvement 09:53Artisans interested in selling wares in your shop, how should they contact you? 10:31info@pangaiastore.com 10:53SOPA and PIPA blackout 13:33Hunting season and how it can impat Pagan stores 14:32Runic creations by Phil 15:14Not in it just for the money. 15:52Reasonable pricing 17:13Classes 17:55Underwater Basketweaving Classes? 18:09Tarot and Oracle Readings and Past Life Regressions 21:28Interesting things to learn 19:40What does Sarah enjoy most about what she does? 19:54The introduction of tarot decks into their stock 21:14Getting the perspective of what's interesting to Pagans 21:28Interesting things to learn 21:37The potential for a Pagan store to be generic. 22:10Generic stores are a result of a greed for money? 22:25Stores about joy of Pagan community vs. money. 22:42Sarah tries to not be insulting. 22:53Newbies doing the same thing every other newbie has done because they are exposed to the same stuff. 23:10You have to be involved with the Pagan community to break out of this generic mold, and have a store with individual touches. 24:47PanGaia Store looks for product that takes them out of the generic mold. 25:17Story of a person retiring out of running a Pagan Store. 25:36Pagan stores not wanting to carry vodoo items. 26:27PanGaia Store - for the things you usually have to wait for an annual festival for. 27:11Quality of product, not just price. 29:08Get-r-done gal vs. social stud 30:18Pagan musicians live a Pagan lifestyle 30:40Dave meets all the BNPs when he dies. 31:25How does it all work when PanGaia Store Vends 33:41Ceramic screenprinting 34:11yeah it called you... with A BILL! 38:39Cleansing the vending area and other metaphysical stuffs 34:44Artists are harder to impress sometimes. 35:04Attention to detail. 40:35When will the transition to physical store happen? 36:14Having a range of products 37:28Sarah the Introvert 38:39Cleansing the vending area and other metaphysical stuffs 39:20PanGaia Store keep getting invited to Anime Cons and such. 39:36Beef Jerkey is what you should give Sarah if you see her vending. 40:35When will the transition to physical store happen? 42:17PCP continues to brainstorm ideas on making PanGaia Store a physical store 44:46All the stuff the PanGaia Store folks do. 46:54Aversion to spare time 48:15PanGaiaStore.com 48:24blogtalkradio.com/pagan-musings Credits Post-produced by: Dave List of resources used or mentioned: PCP is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 US License. Season 23 Credits: