229: Dangers of Positive-Only Teaching

Pagan Centered Podcast show

Summary: Tonight we're talking about the dangers of teaching methods that only emphasize the positive and fail to cover uncomfortable or negative aspects of a particular topic. Regular Hosts:Amber of Red Tail Arts, Branden of Pagan Men, Dave of Pagans promoting Healthy Active Tendencies (PHAT), Joe "I am a Pagan" of Pagan Roadtrip, Sam Guest Hosts: Amanda, Barrett of Pagan Men, Snooze Possum of Hedgehog Stole My Beer!, NRia of Pagan Men 02:33How this got started on the PCP radar 02:58Joe is a Moody Pagan 03:05What is Positive-Only Teaching? 03:52Positive-Only Reiki Teaching 02:58Joe is a Moody Pagan 03:05What is Positive-Only Teaching? 03:52Positive-Only Reiki Teaching 04:15All Energy is Good 04:15All Energy is Good 04:54Burn your plastic Jesus, the Christian equivalent of PCP! 05:49Kids claiming to be Reverands 06:41All lint, no sweater 06:04Wikipedia vs. Encyclopedia Dramatica 06:41All lint, no sweater 06:57The Positivity Police! 07:16Pimp yo' head dreads = no no, dread is a bad word 08:11Hello vs. Heaven-O in Michigan 08:53Hellenic vs. Heavenenic 09:37Are the positivity police very well off or just psychotic? 10:38Positivity police have the belief that they don't need to care about anything because the university always automatically provides for them 11:06Dangers of Positive-Only teaching: Occupy Wall Street 11:31Name it and claim it theology 12:15Some of the positive-only types have something from their past to hide like raping babies 12:54Some people want a reason for why the universe is unfair 13:26Positive-only folks get 2 parts of psychology very wrong 14:47Case study of someone who embraced The Secret and the problems it caused. 13:47Learning from mistakes, or not. 14:06Positive-only thinking is an extreme application of the law of attraction 14:20Balance vs. one-sidedness 14:47Case study of someone who embraced The Secret and the problems it caused. 15:33Positive-only thinkers are often in denial. 16:06People look for perfection 16:18The absence of negativity is not positive 16:43Making peace with what others believe vs. constantly going "we're not evil" to convince themselves and everyone around them. 17:16Anger, managed properly, tells you when something is not cool. 17:39An absence of negativity allows for people to do dumb things in front of you. 18:34Many believe that if you teach only positive things and never teach fear or negativity then people wont get hurt because fear causes people to be hurt. 19:05Positive-only thinking seeds bad coping skills 19:18It was meant to be 19:43Karma as an excuse 20:25Optimism doesn't allow for preparation for negative outcomes 20:38Pessimism denies us the joys we could get from little things. 20:57It's all about your mindset. 21:21Chilrens books are positive-only so they can focus on helping the child read with simple concepts without going into depth about the topics about which they are reading. 22:18Positive-only thinking/teaching results in a childish view of the world, without understanding the depth of the topics one encounters. 23:09Bright Sided, How Positive Thinking is Undermining America 23:22Mandatory positive thinking 26:42Canadians aren't even THAT positive 23:31Planning (e.g. taking an umbrella) will cause failure in the mindset of positive-only thinkers. 23:53Positive-only thinkers are the reason for Hitler's successes j/k 28:14I disagree with them, thus they are not Pagan = result of Positive-Only Thinking 24:18Use of umbrellas shows a lack of faith in oneself and one's gods thus showing an immaturity in your practice 25:59Positive-only thinkers want to eliminate hardships by way of eliminating negativity from teaching (believing negativity can be bred out) thus creating a utopia without hardships or coping 26:42Canadians aren't even THAT positive 27:19Positive-only thinkers have no realistic perception of the world around them and thus cannot be successful.