233: Pagans Want Predators (Part 2)

Pagan Centered Podcast show

Summary: Tonight we conclude our discussion on topic of Pagans being too polite to tell predators to go away. This we go into how both Pagans and the law protect proven and known predators. Regular Hosts:Dave of Pagans promoting Healthy Active Tendencies (PHAT), Joe "I'm not here" of Pagan Roadtrip Guest Hosts: Amanda, Barrett of Pagan Men, Myst, Snooze Possum of Hedgehog Stole My Beer! 01:13Scurv recaps the situation 02:13Community passive endorsement of predatory behavior 02:58Pagans wanting to heal known confirmed sexual predators 03:28Pagan Pride Day and their endorsement of predatory behavior 02:13Community passive endorsement of predatory behavior 02:58Pagans wanting to heal known confirmed sexual predators 03:28Pagan Pride Day and their endorsement of predatory behavior 04:43Contingent of a Pagan community wanted an admitted Seuxal Predator to do childrens workshops at Pagan Pride Day 05:30Scurvy thought exercise 06:29Sexual predators who are recovering have a prescribed regimen of things to do and not do to recover. 07:46Magic bullet of love is irresponsible 07:12Predators that handle their problem responsibly 07:46Magic bullet of love is irresponsible 08:05Actually taking a risky position vs. the sheep that just want to follow the winning team 08:37The failure of Pagans to realize they are passively endorsing the rape of little children 08:59Skirting around lible/slander laws protecting known predators 09:41Reputation is important! There's a reason the Asatru are such a PITA about this! 10:16Combination of Pagans who are Pagan for non-conformity's sake & people not wanting to be wrong. 11:36Be the change you want to see 12:36If a person raises a red flag here, should we see if they've raised red flags elsewhere? 13:18Vetting 14:39When it is appropriate to vet someone? 17:45Role of a parole officer 18:05Knowing when you have not thought this through 20:53Hypocracy of Pagan sexual attitudes 18:43What are Priestess Wings? 19:08Trying to not have sexual predators in a community whose foundation includes writings including rape and incest 20:23Confused and sticky in a jail cell in Tiajuana 20:53Hypocracy of Pagan sexual attitudes 24:31Pagan Groupthink 24:55Exponging "Penn State Syndrome" from the Pagan Community 25:22Christians are out to get us - is it largely self-imposed (for most, admittedly not all)? 28:01The "We must accept everyone" philosophy 29:00The Dave Test 30:30Truth is sensational enough, media dosn't need to sensationalize on top of it 31:09The bigger the mistakes you let someone get away with, the bigger the mistakes that person will make 33:06Establish a relationship with law enforcement regardless of how much you don't want to 35:41Pagans are afraid of interacting with local law enforcement 36:37How local Pagans handled Don Reimer talking to the local Police, things to learn from it 38:26Law Enforcement relationships give the biggest impact 39:37Where has Peter Dybing been? 39:48Can Pagans work with Pagan law enforcement? 40:08Is Officers of Avalon hurting the situation or is this not really their place? 41:46Southern Poverty Law Center 42:20Pagan leaders NEED to establish PERSONAL relationships with law enforcement, don't rely on entities at this point. 42:56Police isn't just about crime 44:44Do not passively endorse, elaboration. 43:33Community building with the police 43:55Living in our communities as Pagans 46:17Be ready to be incorrect, but doubt is not an excuse for inaction 44:13Be part of your community, and that includes having a relationship with the police department. 44:32Good relations with the police is an excellent predator repellant 44:44Do not passively endorse, elaboration. 45:31If you can't work through the back channels, then work in public in a non-libelous non-dramatic way 46:07Draw attention to the problem 46:17Be ready to be incorrect, but doubt is not an excuse for inaction