RMNH RedMaryland NewsHour for 7/17/15

The Red Maryland Network show

Summary: On the Alphabet Soup edition of the RMNH, that's the RedMaryland NewsHour, for Friday, July 17th 2015: We hear from the BPW meeting (that's the Board of Public Works), where not approving a testing contract could put the state in violation of federal law (I thought CC, or common core standards, were supposed to be voluntary). We hear about why SS isn't and xo's aren't X's after all. C squared comes to the Double T. A legislator is accused of Flashing her, how do I put this, TT's (or Ta Ta's) at her X. We go to C where there are plenty of C & C's and a few P's. We hear more from the BPW. We talk AG at a BBQ/cookout. And Agriculture loses one of it's own.