When HIP HOP Artist Goes Commercial, Why Is It Considered Selling Out?

Hip Hop National Radio show

Summary: Join us tonight @ 8pm Today's Topic: When HIP HOP Artist Goes Commercial Why Is It Considered Selling Out? History has shown us that the most successful Hip Hop Artist are those that understood that it is a career that they are seeking and not just a one hit wonder. Hip Hop Artist understand that the art they represent has a lot of commercial value and that if they position themselves correctly they have a very prosperous career. Hip Hop Artist knows that they are more than some Rapper spitting over a beat. The evidence lies in their investment and as any entrepreneur they expect a return on their investment. Well the good news is there are businesses awaiting to business with you. Waiting on the next hot act that could endorse their products.  What are you waiting for?  Are you one of those rappers that will sit on the fence as the next Jay z, P. Diddy, Dr Dre, Kanye West and other successful acts make their marks in this industry? Are you one of those that consider them SELLING OUT? Show Date: 7/07/2015  Show Times: 8pm Est| 7pm Cst| 6pm Mst| 5pm Pst To voice your thoughts, CALL: 213.559.2995 Share: Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Etc Upload Your Mp3 www.hiphopnational.com