Ethics in Athletic Training – 137

The Sports Medicine Broadcast show

Summary: I was recently asked about Athletic Trainers gambling on sports events.  <a href="" target="_blank">Cat Marr</a> asked for feedback and it has prompted a discussion on Ethics.  We have recruited <a href="" target="_blank">Timothy Neal</a> and <a href=";s=htosports&amp;p=coachprofile&amp;coachID=19554" target="_blank">Cathy Supak</a> to weigh in on the subject of Ethics in Athletic Training. Representing <a href="" target="_blank">U of H MAT</a> <a href=";name=Dr.%20Josh%20Yellen" target="_blank">Dr. Josh Yellen</a> has an important role in shaping the ethics of our future. <a href="" target="_blank">Show Notes for 137</a> <a href="" target="_blank">Video Episode of 137</a>