Ep23 - Interview with Richard Pearce from Build A Joomla Website

Joomla Beat Podcast | Web design, development, online marketing, social media & website management show

Summary: Richard Pearce is a fellow Sydney Joomla User Group member based in Sydney. He's worked for many years in the web industry and now runs a website called BuildAJoomlaWebsite.com, a video training and tutorials website all about Joomla.<br>He joins me on the Joomla Beat Podcast to talk a little about Joomla, his journey into the web space and what he has planned for Build a Joomla Website.<br>It is a fantastic resource if you're just getting into Joomla although he does have to update a lot of the videos to be inline with Joomla 3.<br>Richard now spends most of his time working on and promoting the video training as well as in person training and coaching around Joomla.