Avoiding Golf Injuries

Move Forward Radio show

Summary: April 23, 2015: Spring is the season when many Americans head back to the golf course and discover that their clubs aren’t the only things that have been gathering dust all winter. For all its quiet nonchalance, golf is still an athletic activity, and hitting a bucket of balls for the first time in months has a way of reminding a golfer about all of the different body parts that are activated in a single swing. Having a repeatable swing is key to having a good golf game. But with that repetition comes a risk for injury – to backs, elbows, shoulders, and more. In this episode, a physical therapist discusses treatment for injured golfers, and takes us through typical golf-related injuries, and offers prevention tips that can help golfers strengthen themselves and their game. Subscribe to Move Forward Radio podcasts on iTunes. To learn more about how a physical therapist can help you, visit MoveForwardPT.com.