Tune in for Episode 15 of the BC podcast!

BC Podcast show

Summary: Meet Partner Patrick Steil, learn about upcoming SEO improvements, hear all the details regarding Phase 2 of our scheduled CRM password update and listen out for a fresh HTML quiz question! Listen to this month's podcast: Simply click the play button below to stream the podcast via your browser. player AudioPlayer.embed("player-jan12", {soundFile: "http://www.businesscatalyst.com/_literature_97327/BC_Podcast_January_2012_-_Episode_15.mp3", noinfo: "yes" }); Alternatively, you can download the podcast in .mp3 format for offline listening. To subscribe and receive the BC Podcast each month, you can find us on the iTunes store here or by simply searching "BC Podcast" from iTunes. In January's episode: Meet Partner Patrick Steil Hear about his web design business, ChurchBuzz.org Learn how he and his wife have transformed and grown their business with Business Catalyst Read his article "Building a web development business the right way" at the BC Evangelist blog What to expect in the new few months? Extensive SEO improvements across the board CRM password updates which may affect your client sites A HTML brain-teaser - be the first listener to chime in with the correct answer in the comments, and we'll give you a special shout out in next year's first episode!