071 OEA Podcast: Jim Cockrum’s Proven Amazon Course is a Life Changer

The Online Empire Academy Podcast show

Summary: Brett is back in this episode and he is sharing the #1 reason why he is able to run a million dollar business.  It's because of the Proven Amazon Course from Jim Cockrum. Not many people know, but Brett used to try over and over again to be an entrepreneur.  But over and over again no matter how hard he tried he was not able to get anything off the ground.  In fact, there were ventures that he tried to start that literally cost him thousands of dollars because they failed so badly. Why the Proven Amazon Course? Because of all of that, Brett wanted to share why Jim Cockrum's Proven Amazon course was the #1 primary reason he was able to succeed as an entrepreneur. He talks about how all of his failures, while they were learning experiences, he wished that the gurus he was initially listening to would have talked more about their pitfalls.  Had he known how hard it was to be an entrepreneur, all of his failures would have been seen as necessary obstacles to cross before gaining financial freedom. Luckily, with $400 left in his pocket, he tried the Proven Amazon Course and made his first real sale online - it was glorious - and showed him that it was definitely possible to live his dreams.  One thing though, all of those failures that happened in the past were still haunting him, but as more sales started coming in they eventually all went away and Brett began to thrive. The main reason for this podcast episode was to share with our audience just how effective and amazing the Proven Amazon Course is and why, if you've never made a dime online, you need to get it.  We love it so much that we aren't even going to put any affiliate links in this post or in the podcast because Jim, as usual, over-delivered with his content and allowed Brett and many others develop million-dollar businesses.