The latest on the US-Cuba talks with Jorge Ponce & Marc Masferrer


Summary: Guests:  Jorge Ponce, Cuban American writer and contributor to Babalu Blog, joins me for a discussion of US-Cuba talks.........the flags went up this week but what has changed?   Cuba is still demanding a return of Guantanamo and compensation for the US embargo.......the US is apparently not demanding anything from Cuba......Marc Masferrer, editor of Uncommon Sense, reports on repression in Cuba........... Click to support some of our friends.... YOU CAN GET TALK SHOW UPDATES HERE........ ...CLICK AUDIBLE.COM, YOUR SOURCE FOR AUDIO BOOKS! CHECK OUT MY FRIEND CARLOS GUEDES AND HIS MUSIC........ CHECK OUT MY BOOK:  CUBANOS IN WISCONSIN..... FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER...... GET MY POSTS BY E-MAIL HERE......