Friday Phone Call # 29: Peter Brosius of Children's Theatre Company Minneapolis

HowlRound Theatre Commons' Podcasts show

Summary: By David Dower. This time around I talk with Peter Brosius, Artistic Director of Children's Theatre Company , in Minneapolis. Peter has got to be the prototype for that old energizer-bunny campaign—he is always lit up, banging the drum for big thinking, and just goes and goes and goes. You have to listen to the things he's saying about what CTC does, who they are doing it with and for, and why they are doing it at all. I'm always astonished to be reminded that this is one of the largest theaters in the country, period—over 16,000 subscribers and a staff of more than 100 people. It's a very traditionally modeled big institution. And yet the picture Peter paints of CTC is a very different one than the one we expect, and almost none of that difference seems to be specifically emanating from their focus on young people. In other words, the things...