Step Two – February 8, 2015

Overeaters Anonymous show

Summary: “Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.” This week’s workshop leader discusses each aspect of Step Two, sharing her experience, strength and hope. “Ours is a spiritual program, not a religious one.” (p. 13, <a href="">The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous</a>.)  Step Two “is a bridge” between Step One and Step Three, and the “hoop you have to jump through is a lot wider than you think.”  Give the OA program a chance to work for you. References include the “<a href="">OA 12 &amp; 12</a>” (Step 2), <a href="">Voices of Recovery</a> (January 9th and 10th), <a href="">For Today</a> (March 28th), <a href="">Lifeline Magazine</a> – February 2011 and February 2014 and Alcoholics Anonymous 12 &amp; 12 (Step 2).