Shutters Inc – episode 291

Shutters Inc show

Summary: This week, Glynn is still too crook to podcast. A couple of portfolios of images I came across this week which I thought you'd enjoy: Photos that could best be described as minimalist, and some photos of ocean waves that look static. Hopefully you were able to get out and shoot the lunar eclipse. Unfortunately, here on the Central Coast of NSW, we had solid clouds and torrential rain, so I went out with David Kembrey and a friend of his and we did some flash/gel light painting type stuff in a tunnel (pics on my FB page here), and although we couldn't shoot the eclipse, it's got me thinking about shooting the Milky Way. And to that end, I'm organising a weekend for mid-May where we're going to head out to do just that. April Fools Day brought us a raft of new prank blog posts. I particularly liked this one. Carl told us about things photographers say, plus gave us a link to the Behind The Scenes for the Danny MacAskill video (see last week's show notes), he also likes Astropad for turning his iPad into a tablet, Wacom-style, and he shared this image from Victorian Storm Chasers, Adam advised us of the pitfalls of trying to take photos in North Korea, the Arkansas street photography legislation, Ken Dickson showed us this awesome portfolio of images taken by actor Jeff Bridges, and I get all technical (with Glynn out of the picture, I can get away with it!) and talk bit depth and how that relates to exposure. See also the wiki page on "exposing to the right". Comments will be closed after 30 days. Love the podcast? Want to share the love... and keep the servers running? Feel free to make a small donation through PayPal. All contributions gratefully received!