Episode 37 of the BC Podcast - Pricing Business Catalyst

BC Podcast show

Summary: Pricing is one of the most popular questions I get about Business Catalyst. This conversation begins with basic questions around… What should I charge per hour? How should I structure billing? Can I markup the wholesale cost of BC? Is there services that I can bundle in to increase my monthly profit? Are there different ways I can sell time to my clients? I thought the best way to answer these questions was to rope in three long time BC partners: Mike Sallander of Chicago Digital, Devon Reehl and Jonathan Hinshaw of Ebway Creative. Don’t forget that this month, BackupBC is the Official App of the Month. To celebrate, they are selling the app for 50% off (limited time only). Tune in for Episode 37 of the Business Catalyst podcast! In this episode we talk about pricing, margins, profit, and how to make more money with BC. Listen to this month’s podcast: Simply click the play button below to stream the podcast via your browser. player AudioPlayer.embed("player-nov13", {soundFile: "http://www.businesscatalyst.com/LiteratureRetrieve.aspx?ID=126643", noinfo: "yes" }); Alternatively, you can download the podcast in .mp3 format for offline listening. In this episode: Devon Reehl introduces the priority fee Mike Sallander gives us insight into the most important box in a proposal Jon Hinshaw tells how he sells hours more effectively And much more Join the Podcast! Do you have something you want to announce to the BC community? I want to hear about it (brent@bcgurus.com). Until next time, Brent Weaver