Episode 38 of the BC Podcast - What’s Coming: BC.next

BC Podcast show

Summary: The BC team recently announced several large upcoming platform improvements and features due to release in beta later this summer: Liquid Rendering, JSON, New Editing Capabilities and Increased Performance New Module/Tag Syntax, Liquid Templating and Improved Rendering Performance Access All BC Data: JSON Output Everywhere, More REST APIs New Admin Editor I decided to grab two of my senior developer minds to get a read on what all is possible once these features hit the platform. Without ruining the podcast—the answer is: a lot, lot more. Between these developments and the release of Open Platform earlier this year, BC is truly becoming one of the most flexible hosted platforms. Don’t forget that this month, Bootstrap Builder is the App of the Month and Scott over at Thrise has been so kind to offer a limited time discount. Get it while you can. Tune in for Episode 38 of the Business Catalyst podcast! In this episode we talk about Liquid, JSON, modules, rendering engines, and a deep dive into a few technical rabbit holes around what’s going to soon be possible. Simply click the play button below to stream the podcast via your browser. player AudioPlayer.embed("player-nov13", {soundFile: "http://www.businesscatalyst.com/LiteratureRetrieve.aspx?ID=126644", noinfo: "yes" }); Alternatively, you can download the podcast in .mp3 format for offline listening. In this episode: Brian Lowry explains Liquid in plain english (well, at least as much as a developer can) Erick Stubbs admits that this might be the biggest release he’s seen in his 6 year BC tenure (yeah, he’s an old timer) And much more Join the Podcast! Do you have something you want to announce to the BC community? I want to hear about it (brent@bcgurus.com). Until next time, Brent Weaver