Brilliant at the Basics Part 8: What to Do When Starting in a New Market » Peter Vekselman

Real Estate Investing Mastery Podcast show

Summary: In this episode, we’re on part 8 of our awesomely basic (or basically awesome) series about the fundamentals of REI. In other words, you’ll build your REI business by knowing the basics of REI – that’s why they’re so important. We’re flipping this around a bit for this episode – Peter Vekselman, my business partner and co-author of our book, Brilliant at the Basics, is actually going to interview me! I’ll tell you exactly what I’d do if I was in a brand new market and had to start doing deals to bring in money quickly. Here’s a teaser hint: wholesaling and lease options. I’m literally going to take you through step by step what I’d do to find deals and make it happen. This one is short, but loaded with awesome info… so get going… Here we go… Watch and Enjoy: What’s inside: 1:25 – If Joe’s in a brand new market and needs to make money with deals quickly, this is what he’d do 5:45 – Who to look for to do deals with 9:15 – Why this is really just about deal-structuring and making connections Mentioned in this episode: Joe and Peter’s <a href="" target="_blank">Brilliant at the Basics</a> free book <a href="" target="_blank">List Source</a> <a href="" target="_blank">Craigslist</a> Peter and Joe’s <a href="" target="_blank">Apprenticing and Partnership Program</a> Tweetables:  [Tweet "To start doing deals and making money quickly, find cash buyers first"] [Tweet "Network at REIAs. It works. Deals will come from those people you talk to at REIA meetings"] [Tweet "The great thing about REI: no one's hiding. It's all public info about buyers, sellers, &amp; properties"] Transcription: <a href="" target="_blank">Download episode transcript in PDF format here...</a> Joe:      Whenever you're ready. Peter: Shall I go anytime? Joe:      Yeah, whenever you're ready. Peter: Hey, everybody! This is Peter Vekselman. And, I kind of reverse the tables with everyone today. And, I'm Peter. In the other end is Joe, and... Joe:      Watch out! Peter: [Chuckles] You know, on those... I'm... People always have these famous guest hosts, and that's what it is today. I'm the famous guest host on the Real Estate Investing Mastery Podcast, the number one podcast. I think Joe, you told me, that it's number one in the universe right now, right? Joe:      In multiple universes... Peter: Multiple universes. [Chuckles] Joe:      It's the biggest ever. Peter: It's the biggest ever. And so, I believe that. And, I'm excited to be here. And... Oh, before I forget, you all need to check out this book. Joe and I wrote this book, and we just did a series of recordings, "Be Brilliant at the Basics." This is how we build our businesses. This is how Joe travels across the nation with his family, and does a bunch of deals. This is how I'm cranking out 30, 40 deals a month in my business. We just kind of talked about it. And, we put it on the book and it's at If you all go there, get yourself a free copy. We love sharing what we do in this business, and we want to help you all build the business. And, in all of the services, the reason we kind of flipped it around today, is because today, I want to put Joe on the hot seat. I know he puts a lot of his guests on the hot seat. And Joe, I want to ask you this specific question. You travel across the nation, and let's say, you're in town right now. You're in a brand-new town you're all are visiting. And, you guys are out of milk money. And, your wife is like, "Okay, we got to get about $3 or $4 grand coming in here in the next couple of weeks. We lost it all. We put everything behind us that we had." So, what are you going to do? You're in a brand-new town.