Brilliant at the Basics Part 14 (Video): The Key to Marketing Is Never Ever Stop Marketing » Peter Vekselman

Real Estate Investing Mastery Podcast show

Summary: In this episode, we’re on part 14 of our series that’s all about the fundamentals; the basics; keeping things simple in investing. In today’s episode, I’m back with a buddy of mine, who also happens to be my business partner and a genius wholesale investor extraordinaire, Peter Vekselman. One of Peter’s specialties and why he is so successful in REI is because of his marketing. Again – a simple, basic part of investing is marketing – it’s a crucial aspect of this business that you must know to succeed. And Peter kills it in the marketing department and that’s why he’s joining me in this episode. This one’s quick but good – so hop to it… Watch and Enjoy: What’s inside 0:51 – Who Peter is and why he’s so awesome 3:33 – The marketing that Peter does now and the 2 types of marketing 5:04 – Direct to seller marketing 8:40 – Why marketing is the key to this business and why you need to know your numbers Mentioned in this episode <a href="" target="_blank">Craigslist</a> Peter and Joe’s book: <a href="" target="_blank">Free Basic Book</a> How to work with Peter and Joe: <a href="" target="_blank">Peter and Joe</a> Tweetables [Tweet "2 main types of marketing: Intermediary Marketing (with a Realtor or bird dog) and Direct to Seller"] [Tweet "While there’s no cost with intermediary marketing, there's lots of competition: MLS and other agents"] [Tweet "Direct to seller marketing is less competitive; you're working with the decision makers: homeowners"] Transcription: <a href="" target="_blank">Download episode transcript in PDF format here...</a> Joe:      Hey, everybody. Welcome! Again, this is the Real Estate Investing Mastery Podcast take two. This is our second recording because I forgot to hit the record button on my dork. But, I'm with Peter. Peter, how are you? Peter: I'm great. I'm great. How are you? Joe:      Awesome! We are continuing our Brilliant at the Basics Podcast. And, Peter and I, this is our 12th or so episode that we are doing this on. And, we are teaching people kind of like what goes on in our business, what kind of goes on behind the scenes. Those of you who know Peter for a long time, let me just give a quick introduction to him. He is one of the biggest wholesalers in the country doing 30 to 40 deals a month right there in his backyard in Atlanta in a very competitive market. And, he is actually now expanding into other markets. I saw one of your emails, Peter. You are going into Florida right now. Is that right? Peter: Yeah, we are doing the stuff in Jacksonville. We've been doing stuff over in Charleston area. So, yeah. Absolutely. Joe:      Yeah. And so, I don’t do as many deals. I don’t work as much as Peter does. But, one of the things that we are doing now is partnering with students all over the country and we are actually setting up their systems, doing marketing for them and coaching them along the way and partnering with some of them on deals. So, I'm really excited about the opportunity that this market has. And, the reason why we do these podcasts is to kind of educate you a little a bit and talk about the opportunities that are out there in this business, to make a lot of money and to wholesale a lot of deals. It doesn’t have to be complicated. It just takes being brilliant at the basics. Peter and I did a book together. We wrote a book called "Brilliant at the Basics." And, if you go to <a href="" target="_blank"></a>, you can get a copy of that. <a href="" target="_blank"></a>, you just got to pay shipping and handling. And, before we jump into our topic,