Do me a flavor and shut the hell up, Alexa – #81

This is the Worst Podcast show

Summary: Johnny is in the house and we've got tons to talk about in the wake of SDCC '15 - Nintendo President Satoru Iwata dies at 55 - Messing with Amazon Echo - Amazon Prime Day - Batman V Superman trailer #2 - Suicide Squad - Studios mad people leaking trailers from SDCC. - Warcraft trailer - Fantastic Four - Jurassic World - 50 Cent declares bankruptcy - New Lay's chips! Southern Biscuits and Gravy, New York Reuben, Wavy West Coast Truffle Fries and Kettle Cooked Greektown Gyro If you have iTunes or Stitcher, we would appreciate a rating, it keeps us terrible! Subscribe in iTunes Listen on Stitcher Subscribe via RSS