Private study group: CC spread practice (Doc Oz versus the AMA)

The Easiest Way to Learn the Tarot--EVER!! show

Summary: I had to upload this. This is a private study group recording from our TAROT ACADEMY class (week 13 I believe) where we take on REAL ISSUES, not just the boring mundane stuff you get from people who call a psychic hotline. If you EVER want to pay your rent (or make even more money than that) with your cards you MUST learn how to do this (which is why we have an academy and made it only ten bucks a week!) Anyway, this is a freebie that normally only paying students get access to. It is 90 minutes long, so it is a double episode. Take notes! And consider joining our family at The first entire month is only a dollar, and you can quit at any time. Seriously; we will never chase you down. This is the best tarot teaching in the world and so everyone is here because they WANT to be. Everyone else is missing out, but that is not our problem. Thanks for being here.