7/12/2015 Jeff and Denise Checker Pastor Frank Queen The Demon Hunter Society

Beyond The Edge Radio  show

Summary: This week on the show, Eric and Marie welcome Jeff and Denise Checker of the Demon Hunter Society and Pastor Frank Queen. We'll be discussing Ghosts, Hauntings and the Demonic along with some of the cases where Jeff, Denise and Frank have investigated in cases they believe were demonic in nature. Also joining us will be Shawn and Marianne Donley of Dark Shadow Ghost Tours and Panic'D for another edition of the Haunted Spotlight. About Jeff, Denise and the Demon Hunter Society: The Demon Hunter Society is: Jeff Checker, Director and Team lead. Jeff's wife Denise is Associate Team Lead. We also utilize the skills of our nephew Nathan Smith, and our friend Eric Huff, who are both Christian warriors as well. Jeff Checker has been a Christian all of his life. Jeff has studied Demonology, as well as the Bible for numerous years. He is currently working towards his Doctoral in Christian Counseling from The Institute of Christian Works. He and his wife Denise have both been given the gift of discernment of spirits from the Holy Spirit, enabling them to recognize the presence of demons. They have also been given the authority from God the Father to dispel such evil. The Word of God indicates such gifts will be given, especially in the end times, when Satan is seeking to devour us like a lion. The Demon Hunter Society uses both hardware and software used by secular "ghost hunting" teams (in order to be on a level plane with the secular community in regards to capturing evidence), coupled with spiritual gifts. We both can ascertain the presence of spirits, and then the team cleanses the home or persons of the residual effects. We only have the authority because of our faith in God and His Word. We alone cannot win the battle; we are mere vessels for Gods Work. Jeff and Denise have both had real-life experiences with fallen angels masquerading as "ghosts", and they are here to tell you "You show me a ghost, and I'll show you the devil!". (TM) Pastor Frank Queen is a ordained pastor who has served as a church leader and pastor at several churches across the Eastern and Midwestern United States. Currently he resides in upstate Michigan where he is the Pastor of a church. For more information on the Demon Hunter Society visit http://thedemonhuntersociety.webs.com.