20060604 Was Jesus Married?

Mormon Miscellaneous Worldwide Talk Show show

Summary: Was Jesus Married? LDS host: Van Hale. Summary: I discuss the views of 19th century LDS leaders who argued from three main positions that Jesus was certainly married. I quote from a number of their sermons and writings. While it seems widely believed among Mormons that Jesus was married, there have been clear statements that it is not considered official LDS doctrine. I presented reasons for my personal doubts that Jesus was married. It seems that among Mormons, my view is in the minority. There were a number of participants by phone and email, prompting some interesting dialogue from several perspectives. All argued against my view. This is the 4 June 2006 episode of the Mormon Miscellaneous Worldwide Talk Show, now in its 27th year where all points of view are invited. To Read Program Synopsis: Click For More Information: Click Program Notes: I prepared notes for this program which include all of the quotations I cited and a number of others along with notes, comments, arguments and references on this topic. These notes can be purchased for $2.50. Interested in the Program Notes CLICK or go to: http://mormonmiscellaneous.com/id22.html