Ericast 262 - "Providing" isn't Purpose Podcast - DWEEB THOUGHTS show

Summary: "My purpose is to provide for my family!"  That sounds good.  But I'm not sure it's right. Intrigued?  Here's your show. Website viewers: Click here to listen to this week's episode! Podcast listeners: Click here for a link to the show notes page! Everyone: Call 206-339-ERIC (206-339-3742) and comment! Yes, I'm way behind each week, but I'm putting this in last week's queue, under-the-wire. Hang in there with me! So....  What's my "purpose"?  Here's a quote:  "My purpose isn't to provide for my family. Insurance can do that." (That was stolen from someone.  I hope you can tell me who!) Here's the point: What are you uniquely qualified or positioned to do? And... How do you evaluate that? Could you just as easily say, "My purpose isn't to be a role model for my kids; the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization can do that!" Sure, the question/framework isn't perfect.  But it's useful to break out of the mold. By the way, I have an Evernote process.  But it failed me here.  I felt bad about this kind of thing until P. Desmond Adams said the same thing happened to him.  So, nobody's note-taking or memory is perfect.  Moving on... Speaking of, check out "Hours" for time-tracking on iOS.  Free for a limited time!