P.I.D. Radio 5/10/15: Theology from Fiction

P.I.D. Radio show

Summary: THE TELEVISION series Dig is a well-written and stylish archaeological thriller, dramatizing an attempt by secretive groups of Christian and Jewish zealots to bring about the Apocalypse by destroying the Dome of the Rock, the mosque that is believed to occupy the site of Solomon’s Temple. We discuss elements of the show and the tendency of people — selves included — to incorporate fiction into our theology. Also: The ongoing bird flu disaster in the United States, a reoccurrence of Ebola in west Africa, implications of sacrificing religious freedom to gay marriage, and Rick Warren’s weight-loss guide named “Christian Book of the Year”. Visit the P.I.D. Radio Facebook page. Find links to the articles we discuss at P.I.D. News, discuss the topics at the P.I.D. Radio Cafe, and make time to listen to some of the great Christian podcasters at the Revelations Radio Network.