Jim Malliard of the Malliard Report Talks with Race Hobbs of KGRA Radio

The Malliard Report show

Summary:   Guest: Race Hobbs Jim Malliard, the smooth talking host of the fastest hour in paranormal talk radio recently had a chance to have a sit down and a proper talk with none other than Race Hobbs of KGRA radio and discuss a wide range of topics. Between the friendly banter between the two, especially early on in regards to the weather and all, a whole range of topics were discussed that ranged from the formation of the KGRA radio station, it's membership fee's for those that are interested in listening to live, interesting paranormal radio, to even near the end of the segment a bit of personal history from Jim Malliard in regards to the Malliard Report and how it was formed. For the first half of the segment, which is broad casted exclusively on the KGRA digital broadcast station, Jim Malliard had a sit down with Race Hobbs to discuss the formation of KGRA and why it is he made it the centralized location for paranormal discussions on the internet. Discussing how in early February of 2012 Hobbs was working with friend and fellow co-host Royce Fitzgerald, but was unhappy with the work and atmosphere of the place that they were both currently working at at the time. So unhappy with where they were, they both decided to leave, and shortly later that same month on the 28th of February they started the Global Radio Alliance, deciding to make it an alliance of digitally broadcasted radio shows made up of passionate, even if not truly professional, radio hosts and personalities who tended to be made up the type of people who journalistic in nature, and not afraid to be on the ground of paranormal research. In fact, any sort of paranormal phenomena! Now, as the second half of the program commenced after a short commercial break, most people who listened to the Malliard Report might be wondering then how they can join this list of programming to have access to the archives of shows that previously aired, After all, membership to the KGRA is the life line that allows the shows to remain running, and provide the content that people come to expect from their various hosts all in one place. Luckily, membership is as simple as signing up, and come in several different plans. First and foremost is the $9.99 option that's paid monthly, or the money saving option of $99.99 that's paid out yearly for an annual membership. Membership allows you to access their archives of previous shows, as well as various podcasts and live radio shows. Obviously though it must be worth it. Since even Jim Malliard moved on over, discussing how much better it is to work at the KGRA as opposed to where he had worked previously, and inviting listeners and fans of his show to follow him on facebook, twitter, signing up for his newsletter, or just listening to his show if you enjoy anything paranormal related. Honestly, the entire segment was well worth listening to, and well worth anyone's time. www.KGRARadio.com (http://www.KGRARadio.com)