How Marketing Campaigns Can Get You Your Heart’s Desire

Strength In Business with Krisz Rokk show

Summary: One billion heartbeats… As humans, we get an average of <a style="color: #3366ff;" href="" target="_blank">2.2 billion heartbeats</a> out of our bodies and we live more than twice as long as our heart rates would indicate.<br> When we exercise, our heart rate increases. When we are frightened, our heart races. When we listen to music our heart tries to sync with the music. When we watch commercials that touch us deeply – like a baby, or a cute animal – our hearts are softened.<br> Smart marketing and advertising agencies have figured this out. Marketing campaigns that <a style="color: #3366ff;" href="" target="_blank">feature storytelling</a> instead of a product are highly successful.<br> Why is that so?<br> When you watch these commercials you feel you are NOT being sold!<br> We relate to other people’s lives. When someone shares their struggle with us, we recall our own obstacles. When a person shares his / her victories it gives us the feeling of “Yes, I can do that too; I can accomplish that too; it’s possible.”<br> It all comes down to connecting deeply with your audience. Feelings, emotions, Endorphins. This cocktail causes a connection that can never be gained by a sales pitch. Marketing campaigns that trigger deep emotions in the viewer have a far higher reach and influence.<br> Three Highly Successful Marketing Campaigns That Attract, Dazzle And Convert Customers<br> Here are some great examples of commercials that generated millions of clicks and led to growing the business.<br> 1. TVC Thai Life Insurance 2014<br> Watch this amazing ad campaign from Thailand and notice what’s happening to you.<br> And in your life? What is it that you desire most?<br> <br> 2. Friskies DEAR KITTEN<br> The following ad has more than 19 million clicks on YouTube – by the time I’m sharing this with you. A cute kitten joins the household and needs some proper education. Big changes ahead. What will your cat do?<br> <br> 3. John Lewis MONTY THE PENGUIN<br> Enjoy John Lewis Christmas Advert 2014 #MontyThePenguin.<br> What melts your heart?<br> <br> Successful marketing campaigns evoke strong emotions. These emotions could be negative (fear, anxiety, anger) or positive (joy, awe, excitement). They can go both ways. Emotions drive us to like, share and buy.<br> Great brands know how to use a story and <a style="color: #3366ff;" href="" target="_blank">connect with their target audience</a>. They understand the power of stories and are very adept at developing ad and marketing campaigns that touch our hearts.<br> Needless to say, that the three commercials featured in this article evoke strong emotions. Whether you love children, animals or you enjoy helping other people, there’s always a story waiting for you to connect and resonate with.<br> How is this relevant to you?<br> Just like Friskies, John Lewis, or Apple, you have to put your energy and focus into moving your customers a lot more than simply buying your stuff. The real power relies in using stories to move people’s minds and hearts so that they get what it is they want and you are rewarded with customer loyalty for life.<br> Tell a story instead of giving a sales pitch. People like and want to know <a style="color: #3366ff;" href="" target="_blank">WHY you do what you do</a>, and how you can help them. Remember, people do business with those they know, like and trust.<br> When you have all your marketing pieces in place and you come from a place of integrity and trust, you won’t need to venture into the chaotic mire of a sales pitch, or close hard.<br>