7 Guerrilla Content Marketing Tips To Help You Win Business

Strength In Business with Krisz Rokk show

Summary: The Internet is a great space — it allows individuals from all walks of life, as well as entrepreneurs and small businesses to compete with big budget companies and win. Actually, the less budget you have, the more you have to rely on your creative juices and a systematized process to manage information, leverage your efforts and achieve the results you want.<br> Writing random content and inserting keywords willy-nilly won’t get you very far. Writing the right type of content for your dream prospects and clients is a whole different game.<br> Now, there’s a lot more to content marketing than simply writing blog posts. However, there are still a lot of folks who associate content marketing with blogging.<br> So, what else is considered content marketing?<br> Let’s have a look at what <a style="color: #3366ff;" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_marketing" target="_blank">Wikipedia</a> has to say:<br> “Content marketing is any marketing that involves the creation and sharing of media and publishing content in order to acquire and retain customers. This information can be presented in a variety of formats, including news, video, white papers, e-books, infographics, case studies, how-to guides, question and answer articles, photos, etc.”<br> Gosh, how could they leave podcasting out of the list?<br> OK, so podcasts are also a form of content marketing.<br> In today’s blog post, I’m going to share with you seven content marketing tips to help you create great content faster, to WOW and engage your readers, and more importantly, to mesmerize potential clients so that they choose working with you over all others in your industry.<br><br> <br> Sounds good?<br> BTW, you don’t need a corporate budget to <a style="color: #3366ff;" href="http://www.strengthinbusiness.com/harness-the-power-of-positioning/" target="_blank">drive awareness</a>, generate leads and make sales. Just to get that out of the way…<br> Actionable Content Marketing Tips To Build Trust And Yield Sales<br> 1. Repurpose To The Max.<br> This one might seem like a no-brainer to you, however, you should be aware of the fact that only a few apply this marketing strategy — AKA, they do it the right way.<br> Why not use that amazing blog post you created and turn it into a video or podcast show? Why not create a few slides and upload the presentation to SlideShare?<br> You don’t need gazillions of dollars to do this. If your budget is a whopping zero, do it. It will cost you nothing… well, not quite true: it will cost you time, however, it won’t cost you any money.<br> So here are a few guerrilla hacks to get more done and have more fun:<br> <br> * Turn your blog posts into emails and vice versa.<br> * Turn your videos into blog posts and embed the video. Add a transcript.<br> * Turn your blog posts into podcast episodes. Add a Q&amp;A session and you’re good to go. Here’s my latest example of <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/krisz-rokks-podcast/id520499180" target="_blank">taking content marketing to the next level</a> — this is pure ROI.<br> * Take the PowerPoint presentation from your latest live event, conference, or seminar and upload it to SlideShare. From there, go ahead and create a SlideShare post and embed it on your website.<br> * You love creative stuff and you love to do it yourself? Ever thought of designing an infographic? Infographics are amazing marketing weapons. People love to consume visual content; that’s why infographics go viral so quickly and easily.<br> <br> Do you see how all these marketing tactics tie together?<br> Everything is intertwined. What you do, is you create a process, a marketing system, a <a style="color: #3366ff;" href="http://www.strengthinbusiness.com/ancient-babylonians-marketing-campaigns/" target="_blank">recipe for success</a> you can model and repl...