4 Ways To Building Your Blog Audience

Strength In Business with Krisz Rokk show

Summary: Why do you blog? What’s your goal?<br> Simply writing and publishing a blog post won’t get you very far. If you want traction and are looking to go beyond providing informational and educational material to your blog audience, you’ll need to change some things. To be able to get the results you want — provided you know exactly what it is that you’re aiming for — you’ll have to <a href="http://www.strengthinbusiness.com/blogging-tools-increase-productivity/" target="_blank">improve your current blogging strategy</a>.<br> You might be a superstar when it comes to creating amazing content and you might even be great at getting traffic, however, if your ultimate goal is to elevate your brand while generating sales and profits, something else needs to come into play.<br> In this article I’ll share with you four actionable steps to building your blog audience and achieving success with blog marketing.<br> 1. Distribute And Promote Your Content.<br> This one might seem like a no-brainer, however, I’d like you to focus on the first word in the headline for a second longer.<br> DISTRIBUTE…<br> Distribution doesn’t equal social media. It’s way more than social media.<br> Yes, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn &amp; Co. are awesome distribution and <a href="http://www.strengthinbusiness.com/marketing-channels-stack/" target="_blank">promotion channels</a>, however, if you want to maximize your blogging impact, you need to look beyond social media.<br> And this includes making your content available across the following distribution channels:<br> <br> * Owned Media Channels: Email and newsletter marketing, SlideShare marketing, podcasting, video marketing, social media marketing, webinars, seminars, workshops, live events, <a href="http://www.strengthinbusiness.com/truth-word-of-mouth-marketing-digital-age/" target="_blank">Word-of-Mouth marketing</a>, Face-to-Face marketing<br> * Earned Media Channels: Leading media publications such as magazines, articles, newspapers, blogs<br> * Paid Media Channels: Native advertising (social ads, sponsored content), paid placement, content discovery platforms<br> <br> Do you want to know how to take your blog marketing to the next level and achieve even better results?<br> Integrate the distribution and marketing channels I mentioned above. Separate, <a style="color: #3366ff;" href="http://www.strengthinbusiness.com/integrate-marketing-channels-results/" target="_blank">individual silos in marketing</a> can get you to a certain level. However, if you want to leverage your marketing efforts and finally boost your results, you need an integrated approach.<br> 2. Write Quality Content And Publish Consistently.<br> Ready to delight your blog audience even more?<br> Provide quality content and do it on a regular basis. Be consistent. Set up a blogging schedule and stop random acts of marketing.<br> Now, you don’t need to write and publish a blog post every single day — unless you want to, obviously. You can do it on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis.<br> What works best for your particular blog audience?<br> To find the answer to this critical question, you’ll need to dig deeper and <a style="color: #3366ff;" href="http://www.strengthinbusiness.com/find-right-prospects/" target="_blank">identify the needs</a>, wants, frustrations, fears, and desires of your ideal visitors, prospects and future clients.<br> Let’s say your blog audience loves and expects to be greeted with new content every week on Wednesday. If that’s the case, do whatever it takes to publish a new blog post every Wednesday. This will keep your loyal fans and followers engaged and on the lookout for it.<br> 3. Offer Your Blog Audience The Possibility To Join A Community Of Like-Minded Individuals.<br> I guess you’re already familiar with the slogans<br> <br>