Episode 5: Mentors (Scott Mathis) - SeizeYourBusiness.com

The Business Lounge Podcast (SeizeYourBusiness, OnPurpose Podcast, Making Real Estate Fun) show

Summary: <br> jQuery(window).load(function() {<br> jQuery(".container img,iframe,blackquote").sti({<br> primary_menu: ["facebook","pinterest" ]<br> });<br> <br> });<br> [iframe id=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/RtZwqfjMDGM” align=”left”]  <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/seizeyourbusiness.com/id985403546?mt=2&amp;uo=6&amp;at=&amp;ct=" target="itunes_store"></a><br>  <br> You have until June 11th to help us achieve our goal of appearing on iTunes’ New and Noteworthy list by <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/seizeyourbusiness.com/id985403546?mt=2&amp;uo=6&amp;at=&amp;ct=" target="itunes_store">reviewing us</a>.  <br> <a title="Review us on iTunes" href="http://seizeyourbusiness.com/review-us-on-itunes/">Click Here</a> for easy 3-step instructions.<br> At our <a title="Launch Party (5/19)!" href="http://seizeyourbusiness.com/please-join-us-in-person-or-remotely-for-our-livecast-launch-party/">launch party </a>on 5/19 we will be raffling off White Sox and Cubs tickets as well as many other prizes to the people who have reviewed us (even if you can’t make it to the party).  If you won’t be easily identifiable to us by your iTunes ID, please either leave your e-mail in the review or e-mail us at info@seizeyourbusiness.com with your iTunes ID, so that we can get you your prizes!<br> Lessons Scott Has Learned From Business<br> <br> * The difference between success and failure is to keep trying.  Successful people do, and other people quit before they do it.<br> * <a href="http://www.amazon.com/dp/0887307280/?tag=googhydr-20&amp;hvadid=31488782217&amp;hvpos=1t2&amp;hvexid=&amp;hvnetw=s&amp;hvrand=8734793790520539886&amp;hvpone=15.97&amp;hvptwo=&amp;hvqmt=b&amp;hvdev=c&amp;ref=pd_sl_41c7mfcdg1_b">The E-Myth Revisited, by Michael Gerber</a>  – It is not efficient to be working in your business. You should be working ON your business.  (This book is also referenced by Ken Adams in Episode 4.  Maybe you should read it.)<br> <br> * When you look down on your business from an eagle-eye view you can often gain insights that are not apparent when you are the boots on the ground.<br> <br> <br> * Positive change often requires conflict.  This conflict is frightening when you are working in your business, but becomes less scary and requires less personal conflict when you have removed yourself from day to day operations.<br> <br> * As an entrepreneur it is scary to fire someone, because you will have to take over their job until you find a replacement. However, if an employee is at the point where they are a candidate to be fired, he or she is probably not doing that much anyway.<br> <br> <br> <br> Mentors<br> <br> * Being the smartest person in the room doesn’t necessarily make you smart.  You need to find experts to help guide you.<br> * Great minds think alike, but so do buffoons.  Make sure you know which one you are and that you are getting good advice.<br> * The number of people who think you have a good idea doesn’t necessarily correlate to the amount of success you’ll have.  Your mother may think you have a great idea, but she isn’t necessarily the best person to be vetting it.<br> * Networking is the best way to find mentors.<br> * Getting involved in either formal or informal entrepreneur peer groups is a great way to exchange ideas.<br> * The best way to vet a mentor is through referrals, because someone you trust has seen them work.<br> * A mentor can answer the question, “what are the questions I need to ask?”<br> * The big opportunity often comes to you before your ready.  The great things about mentors is that they have failed.  You have to have had those failures to know how to maximize these big opportunities (Remember, <a title="Episode 1: Fail Faster" href="http://seizeyourbusiness.com/2015/03/0-fail-faster/">Episode 1: Fail Faster</a>?).