26: Living The Lead Role In Your Life Story with French Film Actress Julie Dray

The Bucket List Life with Kenyon Salo show

Summary: "When something is for you, it is for you. You shouldn’t be afraid…. If it’s not for you, it’s not gonna be for you….. You just have to trust the process.” - Julie Dray The Bucket List Life Podcast Episode #26 - French Film Actress Julie Dray The luxurious life of a Hollywood Film Star is but a fantasy that only a select few ever get to experience. The challenging road towards fame and fortune is just as fascinating as living the life as an actress on the big screen. Our next guest on episode #26 of The Bucket List Life Podcast with Kenyon Salo, is a well seasoned and successful actress from Paris, France. Julie Dray was a self declared actress from the age of five years old. After paying for her own professional acting classes starting from the age of 13, Julie has travelled the challenging road towards stardom and fulfilling her dreams working on feature films around the world. With all the ups and downs in the career of a performer, Julie has learned to embrace who she is and every experience that life has presented. She has some wonderful and heartfelt insight for following your dreams with courage and conviction. Highlights of their podcast conversation: 3:30 Julie shares with us the story of how she became involved in BASE Jumping for a movie she was working on, how she quickly fell in love with the sport and how she developed her friends for life connections within the BASE Jumping community, where she eventually met Kenyon on Facebook. 12:15 Julie tells how she grew up knowing that she was an actress from the age of five. Although her mother couldn’t afford acting lessons for her, Julie magnificently manifested a job that gave her the money for her own professional acting classes at the age of 13, causing her acting career to flourish throughout her teenage years. 17:30 In following her passion and her dreams of acting, Julie admits she has worked very hard and faced a great deal of criticism, judgement and conflict from her surrounding environment including her school, her friends and even animosity at home. Through acting Julie has become very clear in who she was and wanted to be, and what she wanted to achieve. The, sometimes painful, decisions and choices she made were in the best ethical interest of her career and her hearts true desire. 39:00 Julie was always true to herself and her dream, she has had to make some really strong decisions in pursuit of the successful career that she is now enjoying. It was a difficult struggle and times but she believed her sacrifices were worth it and that is what it take to make your dreams come true. “This energy that you drop out into the universe, you work hard and you train, eventually it comes back, you just have to be patient!” 41:00 Julie shares some amazing acting projects that she has been recently working and are coming up. - The BASE film noir project will be coming out in festivals soon. - Breaking the Bank with Kelsey Grammar - Project that she recently worked on with Timo Van Gunten in Bulgaria, Le Voyager - A feature film she wrote called Swim 52:45 What is on Julie’s Bucket List? She loves music and would really love to perform singing in front of a live audience and also, learn how to play the guitar. 54:30 Julie would like to leave us with the encouragement, “Please don’t be afraid, if you are it is ok, we are all afraid…. just don’t be afraid and just go for it!" Thank you so much Julie, for sharing your passion, your dreams and your career lessons and experience in film. We very much look forward to seeing your continued success on the big screen. That wraps up episode #26 of The Bucket List Life Podcast with Kenyon Salo. Please remember to RATE and REVIEW on iTunes and also FOLLOW us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Feel free to join our Team Bucket List Life and contribute to making the world a better place. Until next time, be amazing and be you and be wonderful! Resources links from this episode: