36: Why You Should Say Yes More To Everything with Adventurer Dave Cornthwaite

The Bucket List Life with Kenyon Salo show

Summary: “The bravest thing is just to be an individual, to not be worried about what people think of you every time you try to jump out of the box.” - Dave Cornthwaite The Bucket List Life Podcast #36 - Adventurer Dave Cornthwaite When the fire and passion that shines from within you is no longer willing to accept a life of mediocrity and the mundane, the magnificent manifestations of your life are all possible when you just “Say Yes More”! Our next guest on episode #36 of The Bucket List Life Podcast with Kenyon Salo, is an Adventurer, Author of three books, a renowned Speaker and a talented Filmmaker.  Dave Cornthwaite quit his job as a Graphic Designer at the age of 24 and just said yes to adventure and following his passion.  His journey in the past ten years has brought him to hold nine World Records and become the Founder of numerous projects involved in creating social change and awareness.  Among his recent projects and brands that include, “Say Yes More”, Project Origin and #Begin. (http://www.sayyesmore.com) As a self proclaimed Professional Nomad, Dave is Skyping in from Estes Park, CO. today and is excited about sharing his current adventures, expeditions and projects with us. Highlights of their podcast conversation: 2:00 Having just finished a project before Christmas sailing into the British Virgin Islands, Dave tells us how he woke up Christmas morning on Richard Branson’s new private island, Moskito.  5:30 Dave takes us back to when he was a graphic designer in his mid 20’s and explains what that world was like for him, how unfulfilled he was and when he realized that “we’re alive here, there must be an opportunity to live this life with passion, and fulfilment and to constantly grow.”  He goes on to explain how a longboard became the initial catalyst that completely changed his life. 11:00 Dave talks about his adventures and accomplishments on the longboard and how he is the only world record breaking longboarder that still can’t ollie or ride a halfpipe.  As a warm up he skated 900 miles across Britain and went on to skate more than 3,500 miles across the continent of Australia in 156 days to raise money for Three Kids Charities. 18:00 Dave talks about his nine world records and admits that he wasn’t really interested in being better than someone else.  His main motivation was proving to himself what he was truly capable of.  He just came to the realization that, “If I trusted myself and I kept on doing things that I really like to do, then at some point I would find a way to make a living. I think if you do what you love long enough, then the money will come.  For me, it took about ten years.” 23:00 Dave gives us all the details on the origin of the brand he’s founded, Say Yes More! (http://www.sayyesmore.com) and how it was derived from his ambitious and incredible Expedition-1000 (http://www.facebook.com/expedition1000) adventures. 31:00 Dave says there is no way, he could ever go back to the lifestyle he used to live before his adventures began and he’s come to the realization that he no longer has a need for consumerism. The greatest joys and fulfillments in life are derived from sharing life’s experiences and not things. “So many people in the western society are just consumed by this need to consume… Mass consumption is one of the biggest problems that we are facing, both individually and as a society.” 41:00 Dave shares his great gift in storytelling and tells us about how he met his amazing Australian friend and biz partner, Sebastian Terry, and his worldwide endeavour to complete 100 things on his bucket list. 48:30 Dave is really excited about his recent plans with Project Origin (http://www.sayyesmore.com) and his aim of planting 1,000,000 trees within three years, by bringing people together and showing them how powerful adventure can be. 54:30 What is something on Dave’s bucket list that he hasn’t yet done?  He’d really love to learn how to ocean surf well enough to catch a barrel.