TWIK002: Steampunk

That Which is Known show

Summary: Steampunk. What is it? Where did it come from? What's with all the goggles? First of all, I'd like to thank Professor Elemental ( for his permission to use his music. The intro music comes from Steam Powered. The song played mid-episode is Brown Cup of Joy. Go check him out, if you haven't already. This episode begins with a discussion of steampunk's origin as a literary genre, and its evolution into contemporary maker culture and a legitimate artistic movement. We cover its mainstream manifestations in movies, television, fashion, and music, then touch upon its growing multiculturalism beyond Anglo-centric stories set in London. If you enjoyed the podcast, you're encouraged to make a donation ( It's appreciated! Galvanic Century I researched Steampunk while planning and writing the stories that later became the free novel Bartleby and James ( Sales have been strong enough to expand the premise into the Galvanic Century ( series. Future episodes of the podcast will drill down into more specific topics related to the Galvanic Century books, including various Edwardian cultural artifacts and some of the more interesting pseudo-scientific beliefs that those in the era held. Links: Here are links to things mentioned in the podcast, and a few additional items I didn't mention. * K.W. Jeter's note ( to Locus magazine (, wherein he coins the term 'steampunk' * The Teslacon ( website * The Steamcon ( website * Kinetic Steam Works ( * Steampunk exhibit ( at the Museum of the History of Science * Steampunk Coture ( * IBM Social Sentiment report on Steampunk ( * Steampunk Hands Across the World ( * Beyond Victoriana ( * Steampunk India ( Steampunk Authors and books, past and present * K.W. Jeter ( on Facebook * William Gibson ( * Bruce Sterling ( * Alyson Grauer ( * China Mieville ( * The Difference Engine ( on Amazon (Affiliate Link) Steampunk Music * Steamstock ( * My Steampunk youtube playlist ( * Thomas Dolby ( * Abney Park ( * Steam Powered Giraffe ( * Professor Elemental ( * The Cog is Dead ( * The Clockwork Quartet ( Steampunk film and movies * Tai Chi Zero ( trailer * Warehouse 13 ( * The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen ( on IMDB * Fritz Lang's Metropolis ( on Youtube Steampunk Video Games * Myst gameplay video ( * Bioshock Infinite ( * Clockwork Empires ( This is only a very brief overview. If you've any steampunk links to add, feel free to do so in the comments.