You can’t change your past, but you can change your story

The  Edge Code: Creating a Profitable Business & Inspired Life! show

Summary: <br> Today I want to talk about your story. In particular how our story can get in the way of your success. We've all had experiences that were less than empowering and we took what happened or what was told us during those experiences as the truth. As a result everything we did and how we acted was in line with that truth.<br> The truth is that there are some things we are better at than others and things other people are better at than us. It's the way of life. It doesn't mean anything other than the meaning we give it.<br> Here's the deal. We can't change our past - the past is the past. But what we can change is our story ... in particular the meaning we give to our story. We can go back in time - mentally -  and choose to change the meaning we've added to an experience we went through. It's about seeing things from a different perspective.<br> One of the things I recommend is the 'Writing it Down' method which I go into in this episode. It's about getting things out of your head and gaining clarity around where you may be stuck and what's the source of your dis-empowering story.<br> For more tips &amp; resources, please visit <a href=""></a>.<br> Embrace Your Genius™<br> Michele<br>