Opening 100 Goblins vs. Gnomes Packs and a Rogue Pirate Deck List

BlizzPro Hearthstone Powerhour show

Summary: Episode 39: 100 Packs and a Sloth This week we were set back one day by Hearthstone's maintenance. So although it's a day later, we're back and we hit it hard! We bust open 100 packs, snag a few legendaries and introduce you to Sloth, the Pirate deck! We hope you enjoy! *WARNING* This video does have swearing during the "Community Thoughts" segment. Deck List Pirates Class: Rogue Rogue (13) Backstab x2 Blade Flurry x2 Eviscerate x2 Goblin Auto-Barber x2 One-eyed Cheat x2 Edwin VanCleef SI:7 Agent x2 Neutral (17) Southsea Deckhand x2 Bloodsail Raider x2 Ship's Cannon x2 Big Game Hunter Southsea Captain Dread Corsair x2 Jeeves x2 Captain Greenskin Loatheb Gadgetzan Auctioneer Troggzor the Earthinator Ragnaros the Firelord