Warrior Aggro and GvG Ramp Druid

BlizzPro Hearthstone Powerhour show

Summary: Episode 45: Warrior Aggro and GvG Ramp Druid This week we give you a two for one!  We feature an Arms Warrior Aggro deck and a Ramp Druid!  Please excuse Twizz for the epic MCT misplay....we all make mistakes :P  Check out the Heroes Power Hour every Tuesday night at http://twitch.tv/Twizzcast if you're looking for a Heroes of the Storm show! Deck Lists Warrior Aggro Class: Warrior Warrior (17) Upgrade! x2 Fiery War Axe x2 Heroic Strike x2 Frothing Berserker x2 Death's Bite x2 Mortal Strike x2 Kor'kron Elite x2 Arcanite Reaper x2 Grommash Hellscream Neutral (13) Leper Gnome x2 Southsea Deckhand x2 Bloodsail Raider x2 Ironbeak Owl x2 Dread Corsair x2 Jeeves Captain Greenskin Loatheb GVG Ramp Druid Class: Druid Druid (16) Innervate x2 Wild Growth x2 Wrath x2 Swipe x2 Keeper of the Grove x2 Druid of the Claw x2 Ancient of Lore x2 Ancient of War x2 Neutral (14) Zombie Chow x2 Youthful Brewmaster Big Game Hunter Mind Control Tech x2 Sen'jin Shieldmasta x2 Antique Healbot Sludge Belcher x2 Sylvanas Windrunner Dr. Boom Kel'Thuzad