037: Designing Beautiful Ebook Covers That Sell with Derek Murphy

TCK Publishing show

Summary: Derek Murphy is the bestselling author of several books including Book Cover Design Secrets You Can Use to Sell More Books (http://www.amazon.com/Book-Cover-Design-Secrets-Books-ebook/dp/B00MT9QYCI/ref=sr_1_4?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1418101830&sr=1-4&tag=chromeplugin0c-20). Derek has a wealth of experience in the publishing industry as a professional editor, cover designer, consultant, keynote speaker, and bestselling author in his own right. In today's show, Derek and Tom discuss what it takes to create a bestselling book cover for eBooks and physical books, and what to look for in a professional cover designer. You'll learn some key insights, ideas and strategies for getting the most out of your book covers using fonts, images, and designs that stand out from the crowd while connecting with your readers. The information Derek shares in this interview could save you a lot of money and help you skyrocket your book sales by learning the secrets to designing a book cover that sells well. You have to realize that readers make an instant emotional decision whether or not to click on your book page or not. It's not a conscious choice - it's an unconscious decision, and your cover design plays a huge role in whether or not someone clicks on your book page and ultimately buys your book or not. If you've invested a lot of time and effort in writing your book, you should invest a little more effort in getting a book cover that will help you position your book and get readers to buy. Derek is a master at doing just that. Here are just a few of the tips Derek shares on this episode: * How to design a book cover to immediately let your readers know that your book is the kind of book they love to read (it's all about familiarity mixed with intrigue, and understanding how the reader's subconscious mind works). * How to find and use powerful fonts that speak directly to your target reader and make your book look professional and clean, instead of sloppy and poorly planned. * How to avoid cluttering up your book covers, and why simplicity can help you sell more books (and save money on cover design). * How to avoid the most common cover design mistakes authors and new graphic designers make, and how to avoid them. * How to choose the right cover designer for you based on your budget, genre, and personal taste. * How to use high-quality professional cover design templates to save thousands of dollars on cover design while still getting amazing book covers. Grab your pen and get ready to take notes, because you're about to learn how to create an eBook cover that will help you sell more books! Connect with Derek at http://www.creativindie.com (http://www.creativindie.com) Want awesome, professional cover design templates at a killer price? Check out http://diybookcovers.com (http://diybookcovers.com) Derek mentioned https://www.flickr.com (https://www.flickr.com%20)and http://www.deviantart.com (http://www.deviantart.com/) in the show as good places to browse for potential stock photos, illustrations and images to use for your book covers. Check out Tom's newest training course for authors, Bestseller Ranking Pro at www.BestsellerRankingPro.com (http://www.BestsellerRankingPro.com)