038: How to Be Incredibly Productive AND Have Amazing Relationships with Jordan Gray

TCK Publishing show

Summary: Jordan Gray is the #1 bestselling author of several books including The Introvert's Guide to Dating (http://www.amazon.com/Introverts-Guide-Dating-Jordan-Gray-ebook/dp/B00C46ZMKG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1419901952&sr=8-1&keywords=introverts+guide+dating&tag=chromeplugin0c-20). As a relationship coach and consultant, Jordan is a pro at helping productive CEO's, authors, artists and entrepreneurs create amazing intimate relationships that fulfill them and bring happiness and balance to their life. Jordan has helped thousands of people all over the world create better, more fulfilling intimate relationships. Jordan is like Will Smith's character in the movie Hitch with a little more class and much deeper insight. His work is profound and life-changing, and his books and blog have changed the lives and relationships for hundreds of thousands of readers. In today's show, Jordan shares some awesome tips on how to get the most out of your relationships in life, how to skyrocket your productivity as a writer, what to focus on when it comes to marketing your books, products and services, and more.   Show Notes: Here's some awesome stuff Jordan mentioned on the show: * How improving your relationship with your significant other or spouse can improve your health, your work life, your productivity, happiness and much more. * A powerful tip on how to let important people in your life know how much you care, and truly show your appreciation for them (when you apply this one thing, it will transform the quality of your relationships in any area of life). * How to avoid negative relationships and associations and surround yourself with people who will lift you up, inspire you and help you achieve your dreams and vision. * Why you should use Binaural Beats for focus and getting into a productive mental state throughout the day. * Why Jordan uses Gunnar Glasses (http://www.gunnars.com/) for protection from digital screens and blue light (I use them too, and it's amazing the difference it makes). * Why every author and entrepreneur may want to get a set of Noise Canceling headphones (http://www.amazon.com/Audio-Technica-ATH-ANC7B-QuietPoint-Noise-Cancelling-Closed-Back/dp/B002HWJT1A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1419901875&sr=8-1&keywords=noise+canceling+headphones&tag=chromeplugin0c-20) for creating an ultimate no-distraction working environment while you write and work on important tasks. Did you enjoy the interview with Jordan Gray? If so, please leave us a quick review on iTunes and let others know what you learned! You can learn more about Jordan and connect with him at www.jordangrayconsulting.com (http://www.jordangrayconsulting.com) To learn more about TCK Publishing, visit http://www.TCKPublishing.com (http://www.TCKPublishing.com) Check out Tom's newest training course for authors, Bestseller Ranking Pro at www.BestsellerRankingPro.com (http://www.BestsellerRankingPro.com)