How to {really} Parent with Grace :: Jeannie Cunnion {Ep 55}

Don't Mom Alone Podcast  show

Summary: You and I want to be good moms sooooo badly.<br> And yet, the desire to be good and perfect frequently sabotages our goal.<br> You and I know we should show ourselves, and our kids, grace.<br> And yet, we struggle to understand what grace truly looks like.<br> You and I want our children to follow Christ.<br> And yet, our striving to force them to have the fruit of the Spirit gets in the      way of God’s Spirit shaping their hearts.<br> Today’s guest, Jeannie Cunnion, understands the struggle I just described. And she shares what she’s learned about the danger of shame, the lie of perfectionism, and the joy of grace.<br> <a href=""></a><br>  Jeannie knows grace and describes the day-to-day reality better than anyone I’ve heard. In this episode I specifically ask how to be kind to myself and how to discipline my boys with grace.<br> My prayer is you and I gain a little more freedom, ready to walk in the Truth of all God has done for us.<br> (Please check out Jeannie’s new <a href="" target="_blank">website</a>!! simply gorgeous. AND check out the FREE first chapter of her book. AND a free group study guide. Grace right there.)<br> What we talk about:<br> <br> * The perfectionism which led to Jeannie writing her book, “Parenting the Wholehearted Child”<br> <br> <a href=""></a><br> <br> * This:<br> <br> “Had to stop trying be to God what Jesus had already been for me.”-Jeannie<br> <br> * The problem of letting our identities get wrapped up in what kind of mom we are.<br> * How we should believe God’s grace is bigger than our mistakes and how our weaknesses reveal His power.<br> * Showing our kids that when we fail, God never will. He is faithful and ever-present.<br> * Heather asks how to show grace when boys are fighting with one another. –day-to-day reality of showing grace<br> * Difference between balancing grace &amp; discipline and weaving grace into instruction.<br> * “As I approach my children, see the Cross between us.”<br> * What, Why, How &amp; Now Discipline–<br> <br> * What just happened<br> * Why did it happen<br> * How could you have done that differently<br> * Now–consequence or mercy moment<br> <br> <br> * “Making our kids feel bad won’t make them be good.”<br> * How much obedience do we expect &amp; how quickly do we expect it–the R &amp; R principal.<br> * Importance of maintaining relationship through discipline &amp; instruction.<br> * Looking at God’s true character &amp; how He loves us in how we love our children.<br> <br> Book Trailer:<br> <br> Connect with Jeannie:<br> <a href="" target="_blank">Blog</a> :: <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> ::<a href="" target="_blank"> Twitter </a>:: <a href="" target="_blank">Pinterest</a> :: <a href="" target="_blank">Instagram</a><br> Show Notes:<br> <br> * Jeannie’s interview with Kat Lee–<a href="" target="_blank">Inspired to Action Podcast</a><br> * “The Greatest Gift”–Ann Voskamp<br> * <a href="" target="_blank">Brennan Manning</a>–radically loved &amp; accepted child of God<br> * Unbroken–<a href="" target="_blank">trailer</a><br> * Hebrews 12:2 –“looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith.” (the verse doesn’t say,