The Confidence Podcast Archives - Trish Blackwell show

Summary: MENTAL SLIDE SHIFTS<br> EPISODE #93<br> In this episode we will be covering:<br> <br> How a few slight shifts in your mental processes can drastically shift your day<br> 3 major mental slides I believe we all need to be aware of<br> What happens to you in just a week of saying one magical phrase<br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> THANK YOU:<br> Ta2yerface<br> MENTAL SLIDE SHIFTS<br> <br> Scarcity to Abundance<br> Failure to Success<br> Aversion to Ascension<br> <br>  <br> <br> To be honest, most perfectionists live in a scarcity mindset – we are convinced that we will never have enough time, that there is a limited amount of success available and that we live in a world where we have something to prove (thereby something else is lacking) versus a world of abundance and sufficiency.<br> <br> For the sliding shift of failure / success, it’s important to realize that you are either moving towards one or the other. What is it that your scale slider in your mind is set at?   Are you striving to avoid failure or are you striving to be successful? You can’t be doing both.<br> <br> Aversion is fear disguised. It is fear that keeps us in our comfort zone, that keeps us from action, that convinces us to play it safe. Ascension is the pursuit of being our greatest and fullest selves – of stepping out and rising up to the challenges and blessings of life.<br> <br> In all of these scenarios, there always lies the temptation of taking the easy way out. Giving into a scarcity mindset, a fear mindset or an aversion mindset is playing chicken, getting scared, staying in your comfort zone, and playing it easy.<br> <br> I never realized I was taking the easy way out.  Learning this about myself was humbling and empowering to make me want to always change and shift my mental sliders to the right setting.<br> <br> You can shift the sliding scales of your mind.<br> <br> Figure out what settings you have been mentally set on.<br> Imagine yourself sliding the slider to the other setting.<br> Write your new mental setting down.<br> Repeat your new mental setting out loud 10-15x.<br> Spend a week consciously focused on re-sliding yourself mentally, reminding yourself of your new setting and your new thought tracks. Act as if you have been reprogramed by a programmer…you may incur some glitches, but you aren’t going to be what you were before.<br> <br> THE MAGIC PHRASE:<br> What would happen if you said “I love my life” to yourself multiple times per day? Well, that’s an experiment I took on myself this week and here’s what I experienced:<br> <br> An increased sense of innate joy<br> Calmness in mindset as I assessed my to-do list daily<br> General increase of peace<br> More natural enthusiasm towards small tasks I typically don’t enjoy<br> Gratitude and appreciation for the people in my life, more than I usually feel<br> A desire to reach out and connect with people I love via random text messages<br> Affection towards my husband over little things that he does that might otherwise be overlooked<br> Decrease of anxiety or pressure that I sometimes manage on a daily basis<br> More enjoyment from my workouts – a general enjoyment in the joy of moving my body versus the joy of getting a workout “done” or accomplished<br> An ability to taste and really savor the moment of the present – not wanting to be anywhere where I was aside from there in that moment.<br> <br>  <br> ANNOUNCEMENTS:<br> Did you know that I offer Accountability Coaching?<br> <br> http://www.trishblackwell.com/accountability-coaching/<br> LISTENER OF THE EPISODE:<br> <br> Wade Nettles<br> <br> “Need smaller compression pants now. They don’t compress anymore. #weightlossproblems<br>