REPLAY--Live Remote from the Variations of Womanhood (Part 3)--12/20/14

The Ms. Computer Lady Show--WMCL Internet Radio show

Summary: SPONSORED BY UNITED STATES VETS, INC.  VIST THE WEBSITE WHEN YOU GO TO HTTP://WWW.UNITEDSTATESVETS.ORG.  ALSO VISIT THE FACEBOOK PAGE WHEN YOU GO TO HTTP://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/UNITEDSTATESVETS.  CONTACT THEM AT 419-207-5979 FOR MORE INFORMATION. It's getting down to the wire for 2014.  But don't worry because Ms. Computer Lady is bringing it to you.  Remember the Variations of Womanhood live remote?  If you were able to attend it, saw it on, and/or would like to re-live it, this is your chance.  Find out how it went down during the replay of this wonderful event that happened in Ms. Computer Lady's hometown of Toledo, OH. Parts 1 and 2 brought about the essence of the Variations of Womanhood.  It goes in depth in Part 3.  DON'T MISS IT!