2014 Highlights 1 & Happy 10th to Your Computer Needs of Toledo, LLC--1/3/15

The Ms. Computer Lady Show--WMCL Internet Radio show

Summary: SPONSORED BY UNITED STATES VETS, INC.  GET READY FOR THE UNITED STATES VETS, INC.'S 2015 MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. VETERAN EXPO & BENEFIT EVENT.  VENDOR, CELEBRITY HOST, AND SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE.  THE DEADLINE IS JANUARY 7, 2015.  FOR MORE INFORMATION, GO TO HTTP://WWW.UNITEDSTATESVETS.ORG, HTTP://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/UNITEDSTATESVETS, OR CALL 419-206-5979. Happy and Prosperous New Year to eveyone!  Ms. Computer Lady welcoming one and all to 2015.  Reflecting back on a wonderful (and sometimes challenging lol) 2014 with memories and highlights.  Part `1 will focus on what the guests had to say regarding their expeiences with computers and technology, what their challenges were, and how they overcame those obstacles.  The show will also celebrate the 10th anniversary of Your Computer Needs of Toledo, LLC.  Hear how the company started, its triumphs, its obstacles that were overcome, and what lies ahead for the company in 2015. Make sure to make your presence known, call in, and tune in.