The Path Of Truth Is A One-Way Street Let's stay On it

The Willie Lawson Show show

Summary: Today's show is a show that encourages conservatives to resist half-truths, lies and enuendo.  Many conservatives dislike president Obama and the current crop of politicians so much that they participate in, share, encourage, or even create, bits of information that are untrue, half-truths, and rumor in an attempt to show Obama or the current group of politicains in the worse light possible. I think that in 2015, if we are interested in returning to the kind of government we keep saying we want.  We conservatives must start being the kind of people we say we want in office. We must be people that are ones willing to live in our truth.  We must be willing to tell the truth about ones we oppose politically.  We must be willing to understand the reality of our situation. Today's show may be challenging for some of us, but I think that it is the first step toward what must happen to improve our nation.