Judges and Video Games in the Frame

Europe Calling show

Summary: In a report entitled Overcoming Barriers, Ofsted said: ‘In the local authorities and schools visited, almost all Roma pupils arriving from Eastern Europe were new to speaking English. ‘Where newly-arrived Roma pupils have had little prior experience of formal education, schools and local authorities reported that initially they had difficulty in engaging the pupils to adhere to school routines and meet expectations for good behaviour.’ German company Playmobil dismissed claims their games aimed at 4-10 year olds glorify crime. They said their toys are acceptable, because children need to be taught about 'baddies'. Toys R Us, Argos and Amazon have all stocked the sets. Elsewhere, Hatred' is a violent computer game that tells the story of a lone wolf gunman who 'hates the world' and acts out his fantasy of brutally murdering the public and police because 'no life is worth saving'. A couple were ordered to delete a video of their child performing in a nativity play by her school because of concerns about the online safety of pupils. Douglas Holmes said his four-year-old daughter Emmi-Rai had played the role of innkeeper in her nativity play at Ynysboeth Primary School in Abercynon. A drunken thug repeatedly kicked and jumped on a man's head as he lay cowering in the road. Liam Sewell cried in the dock as he watched CCTV footage of him, drunk and bare-chested, repeatedly stamping on the head of Kenneth Burton in a street in Hull.After kicking and jumping on his head, the 21-year-old even ran away from his victim as he lay in the street only to return and stamp on his head again.The judge described the attack as 'chilling' and said it was astonishing that Mr Burton, who was left lying motionless in the road, did not suffer damage to his brain or die. Prisoners in a new 'superjail' will have a choice of Christmas dinners costing taxpayers more than the food given to patients at nearby hospitals. Inmates at the £150million HMP Grampian, in Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, will be tucking into chicken Balmoral and chocolate gateau on Christmas Day at a cost of £2.47 per prisoner. Patients in NHS Grampian hospitals have just 89p spent on them for a two-course meal on average - although it does rise to £2.17 on December 25. Time is nearly up for computers. When the clock strikes 14 minutes and seven seconds past three on the morning of Tuesday 19 January 2038 UTC, a bug is expected to hit the web. Any computer, program, server or gadget running a 32-bit system could then fail, on a global scale, unless they are patched and upgraded in advance.This is known as the Year 2038 Problem, and is a theory that was recently proved when Psy's Gangnam Style exceeded two billion views on YouTube.